Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Exercising your Vote!!! To Whom!!!

Democracy the spine of India is tested for its flexibility once in five years by way of elections. Our present scenario rather sends a known yet questionable shock to the larger population of our country. The essence of elections is to be change agent or moreover to blunt the power being focussed to single minded individuals or organisations. The manifestos towards election by various parties which was meant to be road map on how the livelihood of general population would be uplifted has turned to be maps of appeasement targeted towards specific vote banks. The elections are to be conducted free and fair, considering the security of voters and without any influence of foreign powers on the government. The capability of the civil servants to implement electoral policies plays a vital role in rejuvenating the incumbent parliament or a new one that would be voted to power. While everyone’s opinion is ‘What went wrong?’’, the right way to phrase would be ‘What can be set right?’.

The biggest malady the country faces today is that the Political Parties which are supposed to lead the country to platforms of success are in reality standing in platforms of disaster. There is definitely a need to clarify what success to a country means, while the present scenario suggests that jingoism prevails over the welfare of the general population.  The success of a citizen is to find happiness of his /her identity in the country, the identity may be of the natural self, religious group, ethnolinguistic group, etc., While the British led the way in their colonial expeditions with its imperial policy of ‘divide et impera’ (divide and rule), the concept has been used by the book by various nations in the recent times like India (Communal Tensions and Ultra-Nationalism), United States (White Supremacy), United Kingdom (Brexit), Hungary (Anti-Semitic Political Campaign),  and more recently in Israel (Crude Laws against LGBT Community).

In India’s context democracy provided a different perspective from the long rules of monarchy to more or less Abraham Lincoln’s “A Government of the people, by the people and for the people”. As times moved forward the concept of democracy has become more distorted with a growing uncertainty on how political leaders themselves think about the question of what constitutes the people and the social fabric at large. While the present cream has made sure to use this muddle to their benefit, with the aide of social media which actually confuses the already confused voter. The decision of a voter to pick his /her candidate is more of spontaneous choice of what stays in his / her mind. The words of rhetorical cinematic Villains “People tend to forget” is a theorem that is proved on a daily basis. The inner senseless rage of a common man is the fuel for these wary politicians be it using it as wedge between monolithic communities, gaining political mileage through the achievements of longstanding team or stooping to use the nations armed forces as placards. The egoistic and narcissistic ambitions of a group single minded opportunists is pressed upon the general public. The general public act as flag-bearers even though one knows that everyone near you is an unsuspecting flag-bearer (pun intended). The advent of social media has eased the common man to be free to voice opinions, the major setback being that these opinions can be influenced faster than thoughts. While these tactics are used to good effect to profit from negative campaigning and yellow media. They best possible solution is to take experimental step on Ranked Ballot System (Instant run-off voting) rather than conventional system. This would induce healthy competition of good governance among the Political Parties.

Until then the best choice the one who is of lesser evil a candidate not the party, the simple fact is that these politicians are exaggerated representation of our own virtues and vices. 

Friday, March 5, 2010

Wings of Occurrence

The human bird that flutters in the air, in pleasant hours of twilight,

With a heart and mind akin to its own,

Flying from one windowsill to another, why?

It sat on the one nearby me, while curiosity arises,

The bird was in arm’s distance, looking at me.

Wondering what I will do, I stretched my arms,

One final moment the wings took off,

The feathered returned back, and eluding its capture several times.

Until I gave up, upon nightfall.

The next day, it woke me with the call of coo.

A friendship without words unfurled.

My hostile nature has won the heart of the feathered,

The wings that eluded me, gave a silent conversation every morning.

A bond that grew with the wings of occurrence.


Daniel Aloysius Raymond

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.

The Lines not Crossed

The dream went a far, the one that made me weep,

The unreal which I wanted it to be true, the path I dreaded to tread,

I was swaying in a seesaw by myself; I wished the fragrance to be there.

The moment thundered by, but why be persistent on a hollow.

Dreamy days of courtship was not meant to be,

Was the damsel the soul mate? No never and forever.

The mind is practical says it is over, but why is the heart giving hope,

The purity of heart says there is only one side, but in reality.

Heart is just a path that wants only victory, defeat is also a path.

A path that is hard to tread, but still a better one.

Where life unfurls itself a new beginning,

With last moments of farewell, and a tearful goodbye,

Finally, I’m over with my untruthful dreams.

With a hope, I would not cross the lines in the new beginning.

Daniel Aloysius Raymond

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Crushes, the Loves and the Soul-Mate

Little did I realize that all humans are not the same?

The fiery ages of boyhood, the damsels were part of differencing attraction,

One of them bore constant thoughts in the growing existence,

Her groovy eyes inside rimmed glasses, splashing hair and the dazzling lips,

Dreams were not the least of the expected, but life grew on these,

As days passed with admiration, was this is it?

Mortality brings you changes.

Little did I realize that all attractions are not the same?

The precarious ages of adolescence, the damsels turned into maidens,

The constant thoughts moved, but fondness grew,

Her pinky cheeks, moist fragrance and passionate dearness,

Dreams were still there, but visible company was the need of the hour,

As days passed with flirtatious talks, was this love?

Mortality brings you changes.

Little did I realize that all fondness is not the same?

The adolescence continues, the damsels were still maidens,

As fondness grew to a new one, love was in the air,

Her striking similarities, tender parlance and the pretty appearance,

Dreams turned into sands of time together with the one flame,

As days of yearning togetherness passed by, was this my soul mate?

Mortality brings you changes.

Little did I realize that all love is not the same?

The resolute age of adulthood, damsels and maidens spiraled to elegant girls,

Love is yet to blossom, the ones that would last a life,

Her! who is this her? What oneness did I seek from her?

Dreams are of the past and the future; the one should complete me,

The days are still yet to come, the search is so wonderful,

Mortality brings you changes.


Daniel Aloysius Raymond

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Beautiful Evil

A rainy morning, never so bewitching than a strode along,
As I floated in nature's scent, into a mystical world,
Or was it just nature itself showing mirages of dew in thin air?
As I delved deeper, there was a Spider,
Who said "How do you do?"
Was I in Far Far Away? I kept along,
My eyes drew to a display of sensational colors,
The strands from Spider's web glistened to the darling Sun.
The arachnid gave me a fright, with charm,
Eight legs, made my hair raise in fear and splendor,
His steps did not trammel the petals nearby,
But never did he spare a bug that invaded his woven Home,
The dance to death was seduction of life itself,
A grace and a delicacy that was brutal,
An nimble architect's home that snares the life of a bug,
Yet the bug danced its way, to give life to this surreal intent.

Daniel Aloysius Raymond

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.

Exercising your Vote!!! To Whom!!!

Democracy the spine of India is tested for its flexibility once in five years by way of elections. Our present scenario rather sends a kno...